Orks Wazbom Dakkajet / Blastajet / Blitza-Bommer / Burna-Bommer

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Streaking into battle through war-scorched skies, a Dakkajet's massive thruster leaves an oily contrail of black smoke in its wake even as its guns spit streams of bullets at the foe. Though not as nimble as the aircraft of some other starfaring races, Dakkajets are capable of an incredible turn of speed that makes them a fearsome enemy to face in aerial combat.


Even on their best day, the average Ork Flyboy has little patience for trajectories, payload arcs, and all the other "boring bits" of high-altitude bombing. Blitza-Bommer pilots instead ensure their massively unsubtle Boom Bombs land more-or-less on target by simply dropping them from point-blank range.


Burna-Bommers are an inevitable by-product of the Orks' love for speed, fire, and the desire to combine these things while killing something. Strapped with as many incendiary bombs and rockets as is physically feasible, Burna-bommers streak low over the battlefield, raining conflagrant death down on tightly-packed enemy infantry.

Wazbom Blastajet

Ork Flyboyz are part of a sub-culture of Ork Speed Freeks whose need for speed far outstrips their ground-based Ork brethren. Although most Orks prefer to keep their feet firmly on the ground, there are a few unstable individuals amongst the tribes that developed a craving to fly through the air like a bird. They take to the sky in search of ever-greater exhilaration. The afflicted Ork seeks great thrills from speed and danger, driving or, in extreme cases, flying faster and faster. Those afflicted are called Speed Freeks, and regardless of their original klan, invariably belong to the Kult of Speed. The majority of Speed Kultists come from the Evil Sunz klan, but not all, and the mania can seize any Ork. Few "victims" actually become pilots, because most Orks have a natural distrust of flying, and much prefer to remain with their feet solidly upon the ground, where the "proppa' scrapin" is done.

What's in the box?

This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components needed to assemble one Wazbom Blastajet, that uniquely Orky screaming skyborne destroyer. Absolutely bristling with detailed weaponry, the jet can be armed with a twin-linked kustom mega-kannon (or optional tellyport mega-blasta), underslung smasha gun, stikkbomb flinga (or optional kustom force field) and gitbusta turret! Includes a flying stem, an Orks Bomma Transfer Sheet, and a Citadel 120x92mm Oval base. 

This kit alternatively contains all of the components needed to build a Blitza-Bommer, a Burna-Bommer, or a Dakkajet.

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