Space Marines Stormhawk Interceptor / Stormtalon Gunship

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The Stormhawk Interceptor, or simply the Stormhawk, is an air superiority fighter and gunship used by the Adeptus Astartes. A close relative to the Stormtalon gunship, the Stormhawk is a highly specialised fighter craft that is capable of both void and atmospheric flight. With thick frontal armour and heavy firepower, they make excellent dogfighters, hurtling through the clouds to execute target after target in a blazing display of overwhelming force.

What's in the box? (Building the Stormhawk Interceptor)

This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components necessary to assemble one Stormhawk Interceptor, ruler of the skies and destroyer of the Imperium’s flying enemies. Armed with a twin-linked assault cannon, a las-talon (which can be replaced with an icarus stormcannon,) twin-linked heavy bolters (which can be replaced with either a skyhammer missile launcher or typhoon missile launcher) and an infernum halo-launcher. Supplied with a transfer sheet, one Citadel 120mmx92mm Oval base and a flying stem.

Stormtalon Gunship

The Stormtalon gunship is an aerial interceptor and ground-attack aircraft that serves in the armies of the Adeptus Astartes. The Stormtalon possesses Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) capabilities which allows it to hover in place while unleashing its potent barrage as well as engaging in more conventional dogfights like a supersonic interceptor.

The Stormtalon is swift enough to engage nearly all but the fastest of enemy aircraft whilst simultaneously being well-armed enough to reduce the chosen foe to a mangle of twisted wreckage and ruined flesh.

What's in the box? (Building the Stormtalon Gunship)

This multi-part plastic boxed set contains the components necessary to build one Space Marine Stormtalon Gunship. It can be equipped with an array of weapons including a twin-linked heavy bolter, a twin-linked assault cannon, a twin-linked lascannon, a typhoon missile launcher or a skyhammer missile launcher. It comes with a flying stem and Citadel 120mmx92mm Oval base, as well as a Space Marine Vehicle transfer sheet.

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