The Army Painter: Tools - Mixing Balls

Sale price$7.99
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Acrylic Paints Need Mixing

All acrylic paints consist of pigment and acrylic medium. Over time pigments can separate from medium and settle on the bottom of the paint pot. The two components need to be mixed well for the pigment to cover well, and for the medium to bind it to get the best possible results for your acrylic paints.

Mixing Balls = Effortless Mixing

Simply shaking a paint pot can be sufficient to get good results, but shaking can also sometimes be a challenge. The Army Painter stainless steel Mixing Balls makes paint mixing even more thorough and effortless, allowing you to get the most out of your paints, without having to employ power tools or dislocate your shoulder to mix that extra resilient pot of paint. Perfect pair to your miniature paint set.

Rust-Proof and Plentiful

Adding steel to your water based paints can be a cause for concern, but we have made every effort to ensure that these premium grade stainless steel shakers will not rust in your Warpaint Quickshade washes, acrylics or metallic paints. Tested for months in salt water, these paint agitator balls will last several lifetimes in your paints. You get 100 x 5mm mixing balls in this package, covering the needs of most painters with some to spare.

Easy to Use

Simply pop off the dropper from your 12ml or 17ml Warpaint dropper bottle, add one or two mixing balls, reattach the dropper and the lid. Now the paint is ready to be shaken for an easy mixing experience. Works well for all bottled acrylic paints whether for artists, airbrush paints, or miniature paints for Dungeons & Dragons, Warhammer, Boardgames, etc.

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